Keep Montana Clean & Green

Recycle Montana serves municipalities, organizations and businesses across the state.

Welcome to Recycle Montana!

The purpose of this non-profit organization shall be to advise, educate and support individuals, businesses, educators, nonprofits and government in Montana on all waste reduction opportunities, providing and promoting recycling resources and support to community waste reduction efforts across the state. 

Grant Winners!

Because of the Zeller-Knowles Foundation, we awarded:

Composting Grants:

2024- $1000 to the Ag Farm at Big Sky High School, Missoula

2023- $500 each to Capital High in Helena, Kessler School in Helena, Helgate High in Missoula, and LaMott School near Bozeman

Recycling Trailer Grants:

2024- $6,000 to the Washington School PTA to refurbish the Missoula based "Big Red" glass recycling trailer

2023- $11,000 split between Superior High School Ski Club and Big Sandy High School 

2022- $10,000 to Twin Bridges FFA! 
Read more here >> 

ALSO...Trash Dash Results
See the winners here>>

ARE You taking advantage of the Montana Recycling Tax Credit? Check here for info: Recycle Credit/Deduction (Form RCYL) - Montana Department of Revenue (


Our Beloved Members! Our members include government and community leaders, businesses and recycling enthusiasts. We are extremely grateful for our members, without whom we could not carry out our mission. An extra special thank you is extended to the continued membership:

The Master of the Three Rs
Steel Etc; Pacific Steel and Recycling- Great Falls

Environmental Stewards
Pacific Steel & Recycling- Helena; Lewis and Clark County; Montana Department of Environmental Quality; Yellowstone E-Waste Solutions; Waste Connections; Montana Beverage Association; Republic Services; Lake County Solid Waste

Expert Recyclers
Grabofsky, Van Heel and Funderburk, CPAs; Modern Recycling 

Waste Reducers
Helena Recycling; Dave Galt

Jefferson County Solid Waste; Tri County Disposal; Fish Window Cleaning; Recycling Works; Recycle Hi-Line; Happy Trash Can; Western Sustainability Exchange; Sustainable Generation

Ken Siroky

Thank you for your generosity!  We'd love to have YOU join our loyal members. Click here for more information. Please give us a call at (406) 899-6513 with any recycling inquires. 


Recycler of the Year winners:

2024- Earth First Aid

2023- Glendive Recycles Our Waste

2022- We Recycle Montana

2021- Yellowstone River Reasearch, Rocky Mountain College

2020- Lincoln County Solid Waste Recycling

2019- Helena Recycling

2018- Yellowstone E-Waste Solutions

2017- Recycle Our Waste Lewistown

2016- Fort Benton Recycles

2021- Dusti Johnson- Lifetime Achievement Award

 2022- Christy Pease, Lifetime Achievement Award

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Montanans Think Before You Throw
Keep Montana Clean and Green