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Rotunda, State Capitol, Helena


This year was better than ever for legislator attendance! We served Papa John's pizza and water from Montana Beverage Association who also provided a plastic water bottle recycle bin. Eco Montana provided compostable dinnerware and 406 recycling provided composting bins. Our vendors this year included the returning Johnson Custom Knives, 406 Recycling, Pacific Steel and Recycling, and new this session, Earth First Aid, Eco Montana, ANU, Recycling Works, and the city of Helena and Lewis and Clark County Solid Waste.

This year's Recycle Montana grant winner of $6,000 was Washington Middle School PTA. The money will be used to refurbish Recycling Work's glass recycling trailer, "Big Red". Part of the sales from glass collected by "Red" is donated back to schools to help with their educational and artistic programs.

Earth First Aid of Billings received the 2024 Recycler of the Year Award. The business survived a devastating loss of their facility a few years ago to the tune of $400,000. They persisted, not missing a scheduled pick up day with the help of other recyclers.They offer curbside and drop off recycling and help several rural communities to recycle. 



Earth First Aid- Recycler of the Year










1-9-2023 Recycling Legislative Eevnt

We had a terrific attendance of legislators to whom we served a variety of Jimmy John sandwiches, chips, and beverages from Elaine Taylor of Montana Beverage Association. We featured vendors who displayed items they created from upcycled, recycled, reused and refurbished materials as well as composting/recycling businesses. Our vendors: Johnson Custom Knives, Tyler Johnson, Cut Bank; Herman’s Eco Inc, Anna Herman, Deer Lodge; Sew Divine, Sherry Divine, Helena; Happy Trash Can, Ryan Green & Adrienne Huckabone, Bozeman; Pacific Steel and Recycling, Rick Farrow, Helena; and 406 Recycling, Matt Elsaesser, Helena. 
The highlight of the event; the announcement of the following awards winners:


$10,000 Recycling Trailer Grant Recipient 2022

We wish to thank the Thelma and John Zeller Inc Foundation courtesy of Randy Knowles for helping Recycle Montana make this financial award possible to the high school in Montana with the best grant application. Thank you! Twin Bridges FFA, with Colton Hellwinkel at the helm, is the 2022 winner of the grant and will be refurbishing and retrofitting a used trailer, a theme in keeping with our promotion of the "Rs", to enhance and create more recycling opportunities for their high school and community. They believe the recycling trailer will not only provide a means to grow and expand their existing efforts to promote environmental stewardship within the community, but also will allow their students to take a leadership approach to building community connections. With the trailer, they plan to serve the needs of the FFA, BPA, Madison County Fair/ Rodeo Grounds, Twin Bridges, Veterans, Highway Cleanup program, Senior Citizens Center, County Food Bank, 4H, Twin Bridges Floating Flotilla, Twin Bridges Elementary School and more. The Twin Bridges FFA chapter currently collects school paper waste for the district and plans to expand their program in collecting cardboard, plastics, aluminum, and large-scale salvage steel from the community. Congratulations to Twin Bridges FFA, winner of the $10,000 Recycle Montana Recycling Trailer Grant!  


We Recycle Montana- Recycler of the Year (ROY) 2022

Dave hails from North Dakota and landed in Big Sky to be a ski bum. He launched Full Circle Recycling over two decades ago, with inspiration coming from the amount of garbage he saw while working in Big Sky. Full Circle Recycling expanded ten years ago to include biofuels, such as cooking oil, recycling. His idea launched him into the very global world of commodities recycling, something he never imaged he would do. He and a partner formed Four Corners Recycling about 13 years ago at the famous Four Corners out of Bozeman collecting 4000 tons their first year. All of these businesses have expanded exponentially and now operate under the umbrella of We Recycle Montana. Currently, there are 25 families that are benefited by employment with We Recycle Montana. The lead team members are: Abe Schunk, General Manager, Four Corners Recycling; Ryan School, Metals and Baled OCC Manager; Peter Harned Owner, Full Circle Recycling; Dave Leverett Co-Owner, Founder.


Christy Pease- Lifetime Recycling Achievement Award 2022

Christy is receiving this award for her many years of dedication to recycling on the Hi-Line of Montana and to Recycle Montana as a board member and in creating and maintaining our website free of charge for several years; in spite of relocating to Georgia! THANK YOU Christy Pease!!! Recycle Montana appreciates all you have done and do! She received custom made mountain style goblets from Goose Bay Glass, Townsend.

Vendor pictures:



